Winning the ’20s: A Leadership Agenda for the Next Decade
Mr Martin Reeves, Global Director of the BCG Henderson Institute, addressed the BSF to share the business perspective, to speak about the contribution of business to the next decade, which he feels will involve equally momentous changes as other areas. Mr Reeves argued that this was one of the worst times in history for complacency,…
Read Article →Panel Agrees Multilateralism under Attack, Urges Global Cooperation
A high-profile panel at the Bled Strategic Forum (BSF) saw the participants agree that multilateralism was under attack and that it could survive only if a concerted action was taken and global cooperation was maintained in order to tackle relevant challenges, including nationalism and narrow interests. The notion that multilateralism is “under severe attack” was…
Read Article →Slovenian and Estonian President Discuss EU Challenges
The presidents of Slovenia and Estonia, H.E. Mr Borut Pahor and H.E. Ms Kersti Kaljulaid, spoke in favour of a strong EU as they discussed the future of the bloc at a Bled Strategic Forum panel on Monday. They shared the view that despite its problems, the bloc is still the best framework for European…
Read Article →BSF Opens with Calls for Stability and Sustainability
The 2019 Bled Strategic Forum opened with addresses by senior Slovenian and UN officials, who highlighted stability and sustainability as well as fighting climate change as the main factors for Slovenia and the EU, but also globally. H.E. Mr Marjan Šarec, Prime Minister of Slovenia, divide his address into three concentric circles – global, EU…
Read Article →Mediterranean a Region of Complex, Often Poorly Understood Dynamics
The concluding session of the Young BSF and simultaneously the prelude to the main BSF event was opened by Italian Ambassador to Slovenia H.E. Paolo Trichilo, who was happy to see that the Mediterranean-focused session, organised in partnership with the Italian International Affairs instituted (IAI) and already held under the auspices of the Italian Embassy…
Read Article →“State of the World” With H.E. Ms María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, President of the General Assembly of the UN
The main part of Young BSF ended on Sunday with a talk with the President of the UN General Assembly Ms Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces, who noted at the outset of a short introductory address that she was particularly happy to also be addressing so many young empowered woman participants at the forum. Ms Espinosa…
Read Article →Digitalisation for Boosting Youth Sector and Education – Policy Recommendations
Things got very real for the participants of the Young BSF on Sunday afternoon, as their first event in Bled tasked them with hammering out policy recommendations related to digitalisation and education, which are to be presented in the form of a Manifesto for Future Digital Education as the official result of the Young BSF…
Read Article →Regional Cooperation Key Priority in V4 As Well As WB6 Countries, Brings Major Benefits
The final panel of the opening day of the Young BSF 2019 brought together diplomatic representatives from the Western Balkans and the Visegrad Group countries under the title Let’s Talk about Cross-Regional Cooperation: WB6 and V4. The discussion, organised in partnership with the International Visegrad Fund, saw the panelists agreeing on the importance and key…
Read Article →Empowering Creative and Responsible Youth toward Better Future
The second panel debate at this year’s Young BSF focused on finding strategies to empower young people on their path toward a better future as well as tackle global issues. The opening presentation by Ms Jerca Legan Cvikl, the head of the international Femmes Sans Frontières Foundation, kicked off the discussion, labelling the young, who…
Read Article →Future the Work Depends On Companies’, States’ and Individuals’ Willingness to Start Adapting Very Soon
Nikola Vuković of the Boston Consulting Group opened the discussions at the 2019 Young BSF with a reflection on the future of work amid ever faster technological advances. Illustrating the exponential pace of change that is also affecting work, he pointed out “radio needed 38 years to reach 50 million consumers, TV needed 13 years,…
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